Sharing Your Story

Are you an entrepreneur? If you are in business and you don't have a book. I want to highly encourage you to start journaling your daily activities. The good, bad and the ugly. Because trust me, we will experience them all. There are lessons and insights you have to be able to add value to others. You have information that's not out there, you can contribute to what is already written. You have a perspective. 

Writing does require discipline, but the good part about this writing journey is that you are good at what you do. Let me demonstrate this to you.

Please take a pen and draw a big circle in the middle of a piece of paper. Please identify by naming what you are good at and write that in that circle. It could be relationships, lawn service, barber or babysitter. Now take your topic (the name you wrote in the circle) or what you do and write at least 10 things around the topic/circle that you know well. It could be the lessons you've learned, the how to's, or/and how you got into doing what you are doing.

Do you know you have just created your chapters? This can basically be your Table of Content.

But please KEEP IN MIND (K.I.M), as you continue to write you may become creative with your titles. Matter of fact go to and play around with your chapter titles. Just type in the title and read the feedback. Your goal is to get the numbers between 70 and 80.

When you share your story, you are sharing information. Information that is needed for someone to read to provide humor, hope, and honesty. It's also a form of leaving your legacy. Because of what you do, you want others to know you were here, as you contribute to the direction of a positive world.

If you want to join a group of writers, please join the or my business PAGE at, if you like my page it will confirm and encourage me to keep writing. I want to be here for you. If you learned something please share. That will truly bless my heart.