Our Moments becomes Our Memories
/Today I will be sharing with a group of people, Aviator's Toastmasters. I'm doing my second speech from the Storytelling Manual, Let's Get Personal and that I will. I will be sharing a story about when my brother passed away and how I was able to tell his story to his son years later, thanks to MySpace.
I've always been one of those people who kept everything. No, I'm not a hoarder. I just like creating memories because those moments go by so fast and we can forget the details. This is why one of the activities I do with the inspiring writers who go through #BN10tional! Program when self-publishing their book, we not only create a vision board, but we create a Memory Book. You have to capture every moment and celebrate your journey.
Time flies as they say and before we know it, it could be years and decades later and we can miss the most vital parts of our story; if we don't capture them. In honor of my brother, on this day; I will remind people to not just take a picture but to share the entire story about the picture because we have heard, "A picture can tell a thousand words" and you would want the right words for your story.
My brother: Malcolm Lamar Sharkey will not be forgotten, if I have anything to do with it.